Thursday, October 1, 2009

My ol' B-day

So Monday was my official birthday. I got a call from one of the bar owners downtown telling me that he would throw me a quarter barrel for free. I'll be honest i was hesitant at first and didn't know if i would feel up to it. In the end I decided it was a good idea. I called a bunch of my friends and we headed to the bar. He opened just for us and began to bring the beer. Surrounded by all of my good friends in a not so busy bar was awesome. This bar also happens to carry a bunch of forty plus year old bottles of whiskey. I love whiskey and this is also why i partially love this bar. Everyone was sitting around having a good time playing a couple of drinking games and drinking for free. I decided that it would be a good idea to take up a collection for the bar owner since he was throwing me a party with his beer. After a few shots of whiskey and a bunch of pitchers of beer between the ten of us I decided it was time to go. Overall a good night.

This birthday of mine was exactly what I needed. Between school work and social life I was stressed beyond belief. My school was suffering, I hated going to work and my girlfriend was having a hard time with me being busy all the time. This birthday was my release. I know it sounds bad that drinking is a release but really its not about that. I used to BmX all the time but two knee injuries later and no health insurance to get it fixed the second time my actions are limited. I've lost either the motivation to do alot of the things that I used to do or I just simply can't or my legs won't work the next day. So back to my point that the drinking is not a release for me. Really its not its the fact that a bunch of my friends came out on a Monday night to have a good time with me. That's one of the best feelings I've had in a long time.

So thank you to all of my friends and to all the people who wished me a happy birthday.